Optimization of electric vehicles autonomy - OPEVA Optimization of electric vehicles autonomy - OPEVA

The main objective of the OPEVA project is to accelerate adoption of sustainable electric vehicles and improve their penetration in the European market. This is done by assigning a central role to the multiple actors involved in the world of e-mobility. Alkè, as a manufacturer of electric vehicles, is industrial partner of this project, which brings together a European network of 37 highly specialised partners (academic, research and industrial partners).

In addition to increasing autonomy, the objectives include:

  • Improving the energy efficiency of the powertrain
  • Reducing energy consumption by enabling the dynamic routing profile
  • Increasing the predicted range of electric vehicles
  • Improving electric vehicles grid integration
  • Reducing average charging time
  • Widening the adoption of electric vehicles


Cloud connected electric vehicle

Improving EV market penetration optimizing electric vehicles autonomy

The European project OPEVA - Optimisation of Electric Vehicle autonomy, adds to the various innovation initiatives taken by Alkè over the years and demonstrates the company's constant and renewed commitment to contributing to improvements in the field of electric vehicles. The main objective of the OPEVA project is to explore the benefits that can be obtained from the interaction between the multiple actors involved in the modern “mobility experience” in order to optimize the autonomy of electric vehicles in a modern world which also requires consider sustainability and resource optimization. This translates into developing an energy-efficient power train and dynamic routing. The aim is to improve accurate range prediction techniques. Efforts are being made to improve EV grid integration. Work is being done on the development of efficient charging technologies and guaranteeing a wider EV adoption. To accelerate the deployment of sustainable electric vehicles and improve EV market penetration, the project aims to develop technological solutions involving the overall ecosystem, thereby addressing limiting psychological factors such as range anxiety, high price, limited charging facilities, and duration of charging. The OPEVA will contribute to the key application area on mobility and a number of major long-term challenges including embedded software, edge computing and embedded artificial intelligence. The project identifies six technology domains and four non-technical domains which must be developed to move from conventional EVs to sustainable EVs. The results of the project will be field-tested by demonstrators working in the field.


Optimization of electric vehicles autonomy with cloud and battery

Technologies to increase the autonomy of electric vehicles

OPEVA project involves 37 partners from 11 European Countries and it will leverage the expertise of a strong consortium covering the whole value chain of electric mobility (Tier-1, Tier-2, OEMs and technology providers). The various partners will work together with the common goal of developing innovative solutions to make the electric vehicles of the near future more efficient and sustainable. The project identifies several areas of intervention that the partners will have to address. The project identifies six technology domains (i.e., In-vehicle data driven methods, out-vehicle data driven methods, communication with infrastructure, charging infrastructures, smart BMS, driver-oriented human factors monitoring analysis), involving 23 key technologies, and four non-technical domains (i.e., economic factors, legal and ethical aspects, human factors, societal and environmental factors), which must be developed to move from conventional EVs to sustainable EVs. One of the key aims of the OPEVA project is to adopt an approach that encourages the widespread use of electric vehicles, developing concrete solutions to improve their performance and increase their sustainability, without neglecting the needs and requirements of end consumers. The participants, divided into working groups, will collaborate to develop technological solutions involving the entire vehicle ecosystem: from improving communication between vehicle and data collection infrastructure in the back-end system, to developing dynamic routing algorithms and improving autonomy. Part of the technologies developed to optimise autonomy will be tested on Alkè electric vehicles. Alkè will share its expertise and technologies to ensure the feasibility of specific work objectives.

OPEVA EU cofunded - Partner Alke'

For more details on the OPEVA project visit: www.opeva.eu.
This project has received funding within the Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme and the National Authorities (France, Czechia, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Switzerland), under grant agreement 101097267.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or KDT JU. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.



The OPEVA project consists of 37 project partners:



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